OSRS Theiving guide

The Ultimate OSRS Thieving leveling Guide: Become a Master Thief in 2024

Thieving is one of the most popular and lucrative skills in Old School RuneScape (OSRS). Whether you’re looking to make some quick cash, complete quests, or achieve that coveted 99-skill cape, this comprehensive guide will take you through everything you need to know about osrs thieving leveling.

From the basics of pickpocketing to advanced techniques for maximizing your experience gains, we’ve got you covered. So grab your lockpicks and wear your sneaking shoes – it’s time to become a master thief!

What are Thieving Skills?

Thieving is a members-only skill in OSRS that allows players to steal items and money from NPCs, stalls, and chests. As you level up your thieving skill, you’ll gain access to more profitable targets and increase your chances of successful pickpockets. Thieving is a great way to make money and provides fast experience rates, making it a popular choice for players looking to level up quickly.

Key benefits of training Thieving:

  • Fast experience rates
  • Potential for high profits
  • Required for many quests
  • Unlocks unique items and areas

Getting Started: Levels 1-20

When you’re just starting out with thieving osrs, your options are limited, but don’t worry – you’ll pick pockets like a pro in no time!

Level 1-5: 

Begin by pickpocketing Men and Women in Lumbridge or any major city. While the experience and gold gained are minimal, this is the fastest way to get through the first few levels.


  • Bring food to heal when you fail a pickpocket attempt
  • Consider wearing lightweight armour to reduce the failure rate

Level 5-20: 

Once you reach level 5, head to Ardougne market and start stealing from the Cake stalls. This method provides a decent experience and some food to heal yourself.

Alternative: Tea Stalls If you prefer, you can also steal from Tea stalls in Varrock or Seers’ Village. While the experience is slightly lower than Cake stalls, it’s still a viable option.

Mid-Level Training: Levels 20-50

As you progress through the mid-levels, you’ll unlock more profitable and experience-rich osrs thieving leveling methods.

Level 20-38:

Continue training at Ardougne market but switch to the Silk stalls. These provide a better experience than Cake stalls and can be sold for a small profit.

Level 38-50: 

At level 38, you can start pickpocketing Master Farmers. This method provides a good experience and yields valuable herb seeds. Popular locations for Master Farmers include Draynor Village and east of Lumbridge Castle.

Tips for pickpocketing Master Farmers:

  • Wear full Rogue equipment for double loot (if available)
  • Bring Dodgy necklaces to reduce stun chance
  • Use a Seedbox to store more seeds (if available)
  1. High-Level Training: Levels 50-99

Once you reach level 50, you’ll have access to some of the best thieving methods in the game. Here’s a breakdown of the most popular options:

Level 50-65: 

Blackjacking is a high-intensity method that offers excellent experience rates. Head to Pollnivneach and start blackjacking Menaphite Thugs.

How to Blackjack:

  1. Knock out the thug
  2. Pickpocket them twice while they’re unconscious
  3. Repeat

Tips for Blackjacking:

  • Use wine to heal between attempts
  • Consider using an alt account to lure other NPCs away

Level 65-80: 

Pyramid Plunder is a minigame in Sophanem that offers great experience rates and the chance to obtain valuable artefacts. Each run through the pyramid takes about 5 minutes, and you’ll need to navigate through rooms, avoid traps, and loot urns and sarcophagi.

Tips for Pyramid Plunder:

  • Bring anti-poison potions to counter scarab poison
  • Use a Prayer potion to maintain Protect from Melee against mummies
  • Consider bringing a Pharaoh’s scepter for quick teleports

Level 80-99: 

For the best experience rates, head to Dorgesh-Kaan and loot the Rich Chests. This method requires completion of the Death to the Dorgeshuun quest and offers the fastest thieving experience in the game.

Tips for Dorgesh-Kaan Rich Chests:

  • Bring plenty of lockpicks
  • Use Stamina potions to maintain run energy
  • Consider using the Ardougne cloak for an increased success rate

Alternative High-Level Methods:

Elves (Level 85+): Pickpocketing Elves in Prifddinas offers a good balance of experience and profit. You must complete the Song of the Elves quest to access this method.

Vyres (Level 82+): Pickpocketing Vyres in Darkmeyer provides decent experience and valuable loot. This method requires the completion of the Sins of the Father quest.

Equipment and Boosters

To maximize your osrs thieving leveling efficiency, consider using the following equipment and boosters:

Rogue Outfit: Obtained from the Rogues’ Den minigame, this outfit provides a 100% chance to double your loot when pickpocketing.

Gloves of Silence: These gloves increase your pickpocketing success rate by 5%.

Ardougne Cloak: The Ardougne cloak provides a 10% increased chance of successfully pickpocketing in Ardougne (higher tiers offer this bonus everywhere).

Dodgy Necklace: This necklace has a 25% chance of preventing you from being stunned when pickpocketing.

Shadow Veil (Level 66 Magic): This Arceuus spellbook spell increases your pickpocketing success rate by 15% for the next pickpocket attempt.

Summer Pie: Boosts your Thieving level by 5 temporarily.

Quests and Minigames for Thieving Training

Several quests and minigames can help you train Thieving more efficiently:


  • The Feud: Rewards 15,000 Thieving experience
  • Queen of Thieves: Rewards 2,000 Thieving experience
  • Sins of the Father: Unlocks pickpocketing Vyres
  • Song of the Elves: Unlocks pickpocketing Elves in Prifddinas


  • Rogues’ Den: Obtain the Rogue outfit
  • Sorceress’s Garden: Good low-level Thieving experience
  • Pyramid Plunder: Excellent mid to high-level training method

Making Money with osrs thieving guide

While training Thieving can be profitable on its own, here are some of the best money-making methods using the skill:

Pickpocketing Elves (Level 85+): Elves in Prifddinas can drop valuable items like enhanced crystal teleport seeds and crystal shards.

Pickpocketing Vyres (Level 82+): Vyres drop blood shards, which are highly valuable.

Master Farmers (Level 38+): Collecting rare seeds from Master Farmers can be quite profitable, especially at higher levels.

Ardougne Knights (Level 55+): With the Ardougne medium diary completed, pickpocketing Knights of Ardougne can yield a steady income.

Tips and Tricks for Efficient Thieving

To make the most of your thieving adventures, keep these tips in mind:

  • Always bring food and potions appropriate for your training method
  • Use bank fillers to create placeholder spots for loot, making it easier to bank quickly
  • Consider using an alt account to splash on NPCs, preventing them from moving
  • Take advantage of thieving-boosting diaries and quest rewards
  • Join a clan chat or Discord server dedicated to thieving OSRS for real-time tips and support

Common Mistakes to Avoid

As you progress in your thieving career, be sure to avoid these common pitfalls:

  • Neglecting to wear the best available equipment for your level
  • Forgetting to heal between pickpocket attempts
  • Ignoring quests that unlock better thieving methods
  • Not using boosts and buffs when available
  • Sticking to one method for too long when better options are available

The Road to 99 Thieving

Achieving 99 Thieving is a significant accomplishment in OSRS. Here’s a rough outline of the path many players take:

  1. Early levels: Men/Women → Cake stalls → Silk stalls
  2. Mid-levels: Master Farmers → Blackjacking
  3. High levels: Pyramid Plunder → Dorgesh-Kaan Rich Chests

Remember, the key to reaching 99 is consistency and finding a method you enjoy. Don’t be afraid to mix things up if you feel burnt out!


Thieving is a versatile and rewarding skill in Old School RuneScape. Whether you’re in it for the profit, the experience, or the thrill of the steal, this guide should set you on the path to becoming a master thief. Remember always to be aware of your surroundings, keep your lockpicks handy, and most importantly, have fun! With dedication and the right techniques, you’ll be sporting that Thieving skill cape in no time.