Law of Abundance

Law of Abundance: 4 Steps to a Richer Life

The principle of abundance, bountiful, wonderful, life-giving abundance is one of the key beliefs I use in my business and my personal life to allow myself to step out of fearful thinking and into trusting that there’s enough not just for me – but for all of us. It’s interesting listening to stories on retreat of our beautiful guests.That term ‘enough’ is such a loaded word – some will insist there is never enough and live in a state of competition and striving while others bask in the belief and the relief that everything will be ok because the law of abundance has got them covered and there is enough love, fortune, positivity to go around. I think the truth is somewhere in between, manifestation without action won’t achieve what you are after. You have to put momentum behind reaching your dreams.

What is the law of abundance?

Who remembers the book ‘The Secret’ which first really made the concept of abundance a much talked about topic back in 2006? I remember watching the movie and reading everything related to it, fascinated about this new news of the science of attraction. The laws of attraction and abundance are closely related but not the same. The law of attraction says that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts we can bring positive or negative experiences into our lives. I used to get myself so caught up in not allowing myself to think of anything negative in case I created it! In turn, the law of abundance refers to the unlimited sources of the universe. To put that in other words – it says that everything we could ever need or want is already waiting and available to us.

Science, magic or something in between? 

These philosophies of thought are judged by some as magic or as my late father would say ‘hippy ideals’ and proven by others as a very real part of science. The power of positive thinking is well documented and those who practice and believe in abundance will tell you without a doubt that it works when you believe it works. At a very basic level, when we wake up believing we can, knowing the day is going to be a good one, most often, it is. We are what we think we are right? If you’re feeling doubtful about all of this just think about the fact that ‘like attracts like’ in all aspects of life. People, objects, feelings and animals that are similar tend to gravitate towards each other. We see it in childhood when groups of similar children form friendships and we see it with feelings – the way sadness feeds despair and hope tends to fuel joy. We also see it every week on retreat when remarkable friendships are formed from like minded women meeting and experiencing a week at our Bali retreat and how the positivity energy of a group creates the most beautiful positive and light energy. Whatever your doubts on these new schools of thought, if you buy into the principle of ‘like attracts like’ then you can tap into the laws of abundance to manifest your desires. Using abundance in your life will help you to both formulate and predict your desires than make them your reality and is something that I have used in business and in love successfully.

A powerful tool for living

Once you stop believing that you are a victim of your history and start believing that you can control your future you’ll be unstoppable. If you think about it, it’s the goal of most forms of therapy. Doctors attempt to teach patients to take control of their lives by stepping out of passive or victim mentalities. Utilising the law of abundance will allow you to do the same thing. A change in perspective is the first step toward a change in reality. Whenever I feel powerless in a situation or things haven’t gone how I would like, I write down on whatever is available a few things that I’m grateful for to flip my mindset and release my victim thinking. Most people assume the law of abundance concerns money but the truth is so much deeper. Sure, believing in abundance can help with financial prosperity, but it can also help you to become rich in joy, wealthy in love and truly satisfied with your position in the world. In this short blog I don’t have enough room to say all there is to say about this subject, but what I can offer you is some advice that was given to me that I have found useful. Try following these four steps to use the law of abundance in your life. Like any discipline, its about turning it into a regular practice and the more you revert to these simple steps, the more attuned you will become until its second nature.

Four steps to manifesting your desires

  1. Make A Decision!

The first step is knowing what you want and naming it. You need to get really clear with yourself about what you want and when you want it. Try using a vision board to call in your desires and get really clear on what you want.

  1. Love Yourself Fiercely

Focus on removing old beliefs about being undeserving or unworthy of your desires. Practice radical self-care and give yourself the gift of self-acceptance instead of self-doubt. Try affirmations or using contrary thoughts if you ever catch yourself being self-critical. You can read a recent blog post on some self care tools that will help with this here.

  1. Open Your Mind

Doubt is the one thing which will block your ability to manifest so let go of suspicion and focus on the evidence you do have. Try making a gratitude list for everything in your life then actively listing your achievements too. It’s not about boasting – more about recognising that you have the power to make good things happen.

  1. Act As If It Already Happened

Use your imagination to make your desires real in your mind. Think about the thing you desire and imagine it being reality by using your senses. Try doing a little meditation to quiet your mind then picture yourself seeing, smelling, touching and experiencing the object or situation you are manifesting. Make it real in your mind and you’re one step closer to making it happen. I did this with love and meditated on what relationship I wanted to experience in the present tense, feeling like what that would feel like. I remember it went something like this…. ‘I am in a healthy, happy and loving relationship with a kind, wise, sexy, funny, charismatic, adventurous and balanced man’ I feel nurtured, safe, energised and alive in this beautiful union’. A few months of doing this and in walked my big T who was every single one of these things and those feelings were exactly what I attracted! That’s the wonderful thing about the mind, tell yourself something enough, and you believe it and know it to be true. That feeling is then so powerful that you create that dream and draw it to you. Likewise for Escape Haven, for this manifestation I used a journal and wrote not only what it was like but how it felt a remember one aspect of this was having lovely long discussions with women from all over the world sharing laughter and tales that were stimulating and perspective changing. When it came true, I pinched myself realising I had created my manifestation to the t. It does happen if you are willing to put in the practice.

Patience and persistence

Sometimes things come slowly, sometimes quickly. For me the love part happened soon after I started practicing where as the birth of Escape Haven would take years to come to fruition. There is no set timing. The only thing you need to do is continue to practice calling in your desires and then acting as if you already have them. Just as ‘like attracts like’ the energy you’re putting out there is sure to bring you the things in life you want. This principle is something I’ve seen in action many times in my life and in the lives of the incredible women who retreat with us at Escape Haven. It really is possible, so I wish you all of the glorious abundances you desire and deserve.


Living in abundance makes life more joyful and less stressful. By shifting your focus from scarcity to abundance, you open yourself up to more opportunities, better relationships, and greater fulfilment.

One way to achieve that? Focus on your own journey. Doing something you enjoy avoids obsessing over short-term gratification, helps you to live in abundance, and leads to mastery.

It also enables you to share. When you focus on your grind, no one else’s success will threaten you. Instead, you’ll naturally gravitate towards collaboration and developing powerful relationships.

Together, we can make a bigger impact. So root for others, help them succeed, and share freely. The universe will repay you – many times over.